well... 5th week...
time flies.. n i will be goin back for raya break..
but its not a break for The SAM students.. we have trial examafter the break.. =.=
there's way too much things for me to study.. n i havent touch anything yet Cs of those assignments, projects n reports.. especially physics..
Physics is the toughest subject among all.. n it has also lots of works..
the lab reports tat he want from us is always the most ma farn n complicated one..
n it normally takes my whole day to finish it.. =.= Besides , we need to summarise those physics topics .. n after we work so much on it, he will jz comment tis n tat.. n we need to make changes..
okie lets don talk bout physics.. hahahaha.. so 扫兴。。
Eventually i found out tat earn has her own blog too.. walao.. wth a small 11 years old girl has blog d.. 现在的小孩真的。。。 haiz!!!!
btw, it is very sad to noe tat one of my hamsters at home has its leg broken because of falling down from the chair..T.T n it has no apetite to eat.. n heard tat it dint move d.. i hope i will be able to c it when i go back tis sat.. =(
another interesting story, well well well...
our so called ketua pengawas of sekolah menengah kebangsaan (P) Raja Zarina who is used to be very quiet n serious, has now turned to someone who is as insane , crazy n gilo as me.. erm.. nope.. its US.. she like to say jokes nowadays.. hehehe.. but the jokes are always ... - - - speechless... hahahahha!! n i tink she like to eat ducks bah.. Cs she like to go ARK ARK ARK.. (sori for being so lame) wif her long "lady fingers" can imagine tat? hmm..
This is her.. so serious rite.. of cos la.. she is the ketua pengawas mah..
yes.. she is ARK ARK ARK-ing
Call jie jie ... hehe! XD
hmm... who is tis ah??? =P
she is hungry man!! biting pom pom.. haiz haiz..!!
*lots of pics more.. but i tink the main actress here will reli kill me if she c them up here..
*i hope she will not read my blog.. hehehehehe
* Out For Dinner XD
waaa... u oso very lame la!!! super lame!!!! ark ark arking?? LOL!
haha... die lor u if she c
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