well, after the public exam, Most of us went back to our hometown..
So i went to stay at my sis hse for a few days..
Watched 尖子攻略... 20 epd in two days..
Quite nice to watch.. i give this drama 7 out of 10...
Met up wif Sook yee n Carmen in Kelana Jaya Station..
planned to go to KLCC for a one day trip since it has been so long tat we never go there...
But then the weather dint allow us to do so.. raining non stop..
so we changed our plan.. - One Utama
SO Sy Dad drove us there...
Reach there with a growling stomach..
so we immediately search for a place to cure our stomach..
n the destination is - Wong Kok Cha Chan Ting..
Not in the shopping mood..
so we jz hang around...
since there is Batik Fashion Show going on , so we stopped n watched..
Oh.. the models are cool.. ~~ especially the guys there.. wiuwit =X
after tat, we headed to another stage..
A new invented robot- ASIMO
haha.. It can Dance, Exercise, Run , WAlk, n Can talk too
well... Nthg special bout it .. lets don talk bout it
okie.. so we planned to go for a movie..
we saw the madagascar mascot weih..
the penguin n the lion.. muahahhahaa..
so we took pics wif it ..
I look like tour leader rite.. haha
*Going to Genting wif Inti Frens from 16th to 18th
*Going To Cambodia wif family from 20th to 24th
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